Monday, August 9, 2010

Now I'm on the blogger

Today is an ordinary day. Vacation is over. A family member is sick (she's canine). Friends are experiencing sadness - I understand this sadness, but I try not to let it absorb me. I'm keeping my boundaries.

A funny story for my first blog post - I am born and bred in Raleigh, North Carolina. I've been told that I don't sound like I'm from here; this is to say I don't have a southern drawl. I will be the first to admit that my accent comes out around certain people, some of them I'm related to, some of them are self-proclaimed rednecks. I also grew up in a diversified school system, which happened to have an influx of teachers from other parts of the country in the population boom of the 1990's. And of course, there was my Latin teacher Ms. Moran, who always corrected enunciation (in English, as Latin is a dead dead language).

This thing happened to me freshman year of college. It happened over Spring Break, it was incredibly juvenile, and long story short, my friends turned out to be not who I thought they were. I needed someone supportive, so I started this long IMing session with my brother. As the night wore on, we started inventing shorthand. I filled out my application of transfer to NCSU. I wrote a heart-felt three page diatribe on why I wanted to be a part of the Wolfpack. I listed family friends as references of character. And yes, I was sure to mention that I was a legacy, and that my Grandfather had worked for the University, even though they aren't supposed to take that into consideration.

Great! I had finished. I just needed to make up a username and password. I wanted something short and obscure that no one else would care for. Rob IM'd me and said, "it's wensd morning, if you edit it thursd and can skip classes frid, you can hand deliver it to the admissions office on frid". I rather liked thursday; it's the day before the start of the weekend. A username was born, and I use it often.

In a world with usernames getting longer and longer, it's nice to have a five letter one to fall back on.

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